Thursday, August 22, 2013

Looking at Student Roster Reports

In Edwin Analytics, the "Students, Staff & Classroom" tab contains a number of student-level MCAS reports. Some of these reports are "roster" reports which means that they display data for a given list of students in a tabular format, usually one line of data per student. Student reports that are not in "roster" format generally display a page or two of data for each student.

The students included in a report can be selected in one of two ways - by using filters (such as "all ELL students" or "all students who scored Advanced") OR by selecting students from a list (such as a teacher's class list from last year, from their class coming in this year, etc.) There is a document in the Edwin Analytics handouts folder that provides further instructions.

Some of these roster reports include:
  • IT616 Test Item Analysis Roster - provides test item data as well as achievement level, scaled score, raw score, SGP, % correct, and CD status for each student in a list. One challenge with this report is that the font is VERY small if it is printed on a single sheet of paper. I have found that if you save your report as a PDF file, Adobe Reader has a "poster" option that will allow you to print the file larger across multiple pages. This report is single-subject (ELA, math OR science.)
  • PE617 Student MCAS Roster - provides a list of students and their scaled scores, achivement levels, and SGPs for all tested subjects (ELA, math, AND science) on a single report. This report is very useful if you would like to look at performance on all 3 tests for a given group of students.
  • GR602 Student Growth Roster - provides MCAS scaled score information for 3 years of ELA and math performance, plus the most recent year's SGP for each student. This is very useful for examining individual student performance over time in a compact way.

And here is one more "roster" report that I had not seen until a few days ago when a colleague shared it with me. If it is new to you as well you may want to check it out, particularly if you're interested in a roster report of student performance by question type or standard.
  • PE606 (Student Assessment Detail) report has traditionally been one of those reports that was a page or two per student. However, there is now a "roster" option on the initial prompt page. If you choose this, you'll get a report similar to IT616, except it will give information by question type and standard rather than by item. 
Folks that have access to the Classroom-level reports (available only to those with the DW-Evaluator role) should note that the IT516 and PE506 reports are similar to the 600-level counterparts listed above, but that they can be run for a selected classroom.