Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome EDW Version 3.0

The following email regarding the newest release of the EDW was distributed today to the EDW Contacts lists. Users will likely also receive this information through their district's contact, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to re-post the information here as well.

I haven't had much of an opportunity to investigate the new system in detail, but as I learn more I'll be sure to share hints and tips for making the most of this new resource. One thing I do know is that reports will now run much faster!


Dear Data Warehouse Contacts,

Please be aware that there are now two versions of the Education Data Warehouse available for your use. These are

- Version 2.6 -- the EDW you are familiar with, and
- Version 3.0 -- improved performance and containing MCAS data only in redesigned reports.

As you begin to use version 3.0, it is very important that you are aware of the differences between 3.0 and 2.6, and that you share this information with your users. Data Warehouse Contacts are the liaisons to the Data Warehouse team and should be the first resource for users in your district. Thank you for helping to get the word out!

Attached for additional reference and distribution are 3 documents that are also linked from the welcome pages of version 3.0. (FAQ, Getting Started Guide, and Mapping document)

For support in using version 3.0, please email edwsupport@doe.mass.edu.