Thursday, March 31, 2011

Developing a Data Vision

At the March 16 Southeast Data Institute, morning presenter Robb Geier from PCG Education led district-based teams through an investigation of Data Quality, Data Capacity, and Data Culture within the context of their own settings. He talked about the "Fizzle Factor" - the place that many districts seem to get stuck on their way from superficial data use to systemic data use.

Teams worked hard to investigate a framework for thinking about data use, identify related strengths and limiting factors, develop draft vision statements for data use, inventory data systems and available data, and embark on the development of an action plan for district data use. [Robb has graciously made the materials from the workshop available for districts who were not able to attend.]

We hope that ALL districts in the Southeast region will register for one of several upcoming networking sessions where we will have an opportunity to continue these discussions and share common needs and best practices related to data use.