Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Engaging Staff in MCAS Data Exploration

I recently worked with data team members at the Duval Elementary School in Whitman, who were looking for an activity to get staff engaged in exploring the 2010 MCAS data. Team members had all been to meetings where either (a) an administrator gives a big long data presentation or (b) each teacher is given a large packet of data without a whole lot of guidance on how to use it. This team wanted something different, and so we came up with an activity which engages staff in asking questions about data in a manageable way. (The activity has its beginnings in an activity that is part of the Data Warehouse 101 curriculum.)

The activity starts with teams of teachers exploring the R-406 report (School Standards Summary Report) for a particular test. They are asked to answer the question, "Now that you've seen this report, what else do you want to know?" and given time to generate clarifying questions which direct further inquiry.

I'm including the activity materials which contain more details and information.

This is a somewhat open-ended activity, but can be modified to suit your group's needs. Please do send along your feedback and don't hesitate to contact me if you need additional information.