Thursday, August 12, 2010

Student Claiming: A Good Idea

I've posted on this topic previously, but wanted to remind folks about student claiming again, as the start of the school year approaches.

By default, the Education Data Warehouse allows schools and districts to access MCAS records for tests they administered only. The student claiming process enables schools and districts to access to ALL historical MCAS data for their enrolled students, regardless of where the test was taken.

This means that Data Warehouse users will be able to view historical data for students who are new to the district OR new to a school. For instance, a middle school principal would (by default) only be able to view test data for students who took the MCAS at the middle school. After the student claiming process has been completed, he or she would be able to access the 5th grade data for students entering from the elementary school as well as data for students who have come in from other districts.

Generally, the student claiming process is handled by the person in your district who manages the SIMS data (who is likely very busy at the start of the school year!) Additional information on the student claiming process can be found at the end of Chapter 3: Basic Access of the EDW User Guide.